4. Administering the XDS Control Center
4.2.3 License for NW-xx System installation
How to get license for NW-xx System installation?
1. Click XDS _x.x.xx.xx_Projector_RC.exe file to install the XDS software on the PC you want to set up as XDS display
2. During installation, fill in the required fields
3. Reboot the PC
4. The XDS Control Center ap plication will start
A message mentioning the serial number of the pr ojector will be displayed in the Feedback widget of the XDS C ontrol Center.
5. Make a note of the serial number of the projector
6. Send this projector serial number to Barco requesting for the license file
Note: Refer to the topic Importing license in XDS,tousethelicensefile.
For dual channel, please note down the serial numbers for both the projectors and sen d it to Barco to acquire
the license.
For iCON, Galaxy NH-12, Galaxy NW-12, and Galaxy NW-7 projectors, the serial number of the projector is
displayed on the front LCD display after startup of the projector.
4.2.4 License for XDC-x000 System installation
How to get license for XDC-x000 System installation?
1. Click XDS_x.x.xx.xx_XDCx000_RC.exe file to install the XD S software
2. Reboot the PC
The XDS Control Center application will start automatically and show a message. A dialog box will pop up w ith a message
displaying the System ID of the PC, on which you have installed the XDS software.
3. Make a note of the System ID
4. Send this Sy stem ID to B a rco requesting for the licens e file
4.2.5 License for XDS-x000 System installation
How to get license for XDS-x000 System installation?
1. Click XDS_x.x.xx.xx_Wall_RC.exe file to install the XDS software
2. Reboot the PC
The XDS Control Center application w ill start automatically and sho
w a message. A dialog box will pop up w ith a message
displaying the System ID of the PC, on which you have installed the XDS software.
3. Note down the System ID of the PC
4. Send this Sy stem ID to B a rco requesting for the licens e file
4.2.6 Contacting Barco to get the license file
How to contact Barco to get the license file?
Send a mail to Barco mentioning the following details:
• type of installation
• System ID or Projector Serial number(s) (depending on the type of installation)
• Number of XDS Desktop Sha ring clients, number of XDS Remot
e Control Center clients, and number of Remote Pointers
This information is similar to the c ustomer order in BAAN. XDS software license does not expire, unless you
want to upgrade t he version. It has an infinite license or a temporary demo license .
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