7. XDS Desktop Sharing client
7.8 Connecting t o displays in a different subnet
• Scanning for displays in a different subnet
• Deleting a display
7.8.1 Overview
Need for display scanner
Before connecting to any display system, you need to know the available displays in your network. To view the available networks
and get connected to them, all XDS clients u se a display scanner. When a client is started, its display sc anner scans for available
XDS display systems in the same IP subnetwork to which that client belongs. You can then connect to any display from the list o f
available display systems.
Image 7-17
XDS Desktop Sharing client: Connections dialog displaying the a
vailable XDS Displays In the local network
Image 7-18
XDS Remote Control Center: Startup Configuration dialog displaying the available XDS Displays in
the local network
7.8.2 Scanning for displays in a different subnet
How to scan f or displays in a different subnet?
If you want to scan for displays installed in a different subnet, which c annot be d etected through the default automatic subnetwork
scan, use the External Display Scanner.
1. From the des ktop sharing client, and remote control center interface, click External Displays...