5. XDS Remote Administration Center
During installation, if you have selected the option to create a desktop shortcut, then you will find the shortcut for XDS Remote
Administration C enter on the desktop
and also an icon will be visible on the tool bar.
Image 5-2
Shortcut on the tool bar: XDS Remote Administration Center
The topic below will let you know how to login to XDS Rem ote Administration Center.
5.3 Logging in to XDS Remote Administration Center
How to login to XDS Remote Administration Center?
1. Click on the XDS R emote Administration Cen ter icon visible on your desktop
Or, yo u can a lso launch the XDS Administration Center from Start menu > All Programs > Barco XDS Control Software > XDS
Remote Administration Center.
The XDS Authentication dialog opens.
Image 5-3
2. Enter the c redentials of an XDS administrator
Note: The credentials should be of a valid user on the PC where XDS is running (Windows credentials). The username should
also match the XDS Administrator na me defined while c onfiguring the XDS system.
Now you will be able to use the XDS Remote Administration Center interface.
5.4 XDS Remote Administration Center interface
5.4.1 Introduction
The X DS Remote Administration Center interface consists of left, m iddle, and bottom pane.