5. XDS Remote Administration Center
In the middle pane, you will find General tab, Display Details tab, Hardware Details tab, and User Manag e me nt tab. The functions
that you can perform using these tabs are described in detail in the following topics. Using the General Tab
This tab shows generic information about all the running displays. You c an filter the displays shown in this tab by specificWork-
groups, from the Show wor kgroup drop-down list. You can also fi lter the displays shown in this tab to view only the connected
displays by selecting the Only show connected displays check box.
Image 5-12
Filter displays
From this tab, you will find the following buttons: Switch Off Display, Switch On Display, Reboot Display Server, Close XDS
Session, and Send. Initially all these action buttons are disabled. They are enabled as soon as o n e or more displays are selected
in the general tab.
If the s elected display is connected the command is send straight away. If the selected display is not connected, connection with
the display is established internally for sending command and is broken afterwards. The usage of the action buttons is discussed in
the topics below.
Switching Off Disp lay
1. On the middle pane, from the Display s ection, select the desired display
2. Click Switch Off Display
Aconfirm ation message will appear, click Yes to confirm.
Image 5-13
Switch Off Display
If XDS session is open on the sele
cted XDS Display(s), a confirmation me ssage will appear on the display asking the c onsent of
the session owner. The display will be switched off if session owner agrees, or within 60 seconds when no response is received
from the selected meeting room.
Switching On Display
1. On the middle pane, from the Display s ection, select the desired display
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