3. XDS Control Center
Aconfirmation dialog box opens.
Image 3-156
Confirmation dialog to delete a presentation
3. Click Yes to confirm
3.9 Using the video conference control
• Launching the video conference control
• Using the Dialing feature
• Adding a contact during a call
• Removing a contact during a call
• Arranging the names in alphabetical order
• Controlling camera
• Controlling the Microphone
• Mute the microphone
• Toggling the layout
• Wake-up the video conference device
• Hiding the Video conference device widget
• Advanced features
3.9.1 Overview
About video conference control
Currently, XDS software supports Tandberg’s MXP6000, MXP3000, E dge 85/95, and C60/C90 Video Conference
The XDS software easily integrates with the video conference device and enables y ou to con trol it. You have to configure the video
conference device manager to start using the controls. After configuring you will be able to perform the functions available in the
video conference device through the XDS Control C enter application, such as dial a contact, control the camera, adjust t he speaker
volume, and control the microphone.
To control the video conference device: After configuring, you need to launch the video c onference device. See the topic be low to
launch the control.
3.9.2 Launching the video conference control
How to launch the vi deo conference control?
1. After configuring the video conference d evice manager, t he video conference icon will appear on the toolbar. Find the video
conference icon on the toolbar
2. Click the Show Video Conference Controls icon
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