3. XDS Control Center
Image 3-84
Context menu: Hi de window decoration
3.7.7 Zooming a window
zoom percent
The zoom percent is the percentage to either en large o r reduce a source window from its original size. The standa rd
options are: 25% , 50%, 75%, 100%, 12 5 %, 150%, 175%, 200%, and 250%.
How to zoom a window?
If your source is too large to fit on your display or too sm all to see the finer detail of the s ource on your display, you can adjust the
size of a v iewer window by zooming or by using the standard zoo m percent options.
1. Right-click on the source window to open the context-menu
2. Select Zoom
Image 3-85
Source settings: Select the zoom percent
3. Select the required zoom percent