4. Administering the XDS Control Center
Image 4-19
Reinitialize the XDS system
All connected clients will be disconnected. The opened XDS session will be closed, if us er management is ON. The XDS system
will restart. Cleaning up custom files
Make sure you have adm inistrator privileges on the XDS system in order to clean up the custom files. First of all, you need to start
the XDS Maintenance Tool. Follow the steps below to clean up the custom files.
How to clean up custom files?
1. Copy the ICM aintenanceTool.exe to the following folder: C:\Program Files\Barco\XDS\bin
Image 4-20
ICMaintenanceTool Executable
2. Stop the XDS software
To stop the XDS software:
a) Go to Start menu
b) Select All Programs > Barco XDS Control S oftware > S top XDS Software
3. Double click on ICM aintenanceTool.exe
The Barco X DS Maintenance Tool dialog box opens and the XD S system prompts for a password.
Image 4-21
Prompt for password
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