196 Chapter 7 Real-time Monitors
Agent Shift
The Agent Shift monitor provides running totals of statistics on individual agents for the day. You can specify
which columns of statistics are displayed, rearrange columns, and sort individual columns in ascending or
descending order. (See Figure 7-10.)
Figure 7-10 Agent Shift
Agent Shift column heading definitions
Table 7-5 describes the Agent Shift column headings.
Table 7-5 Agent Shift column headings
Term Meaning
Logged On the time the agent logged on
Last Event Received the last time an agent performed an event (for example, answered a call)
Shift Time the total shift time for the agent
ACD Time the total time the agent spent on ACD calls
ACD Hold Time the total time for ACD calls put on hold
Non-ACD Time the total time the agent spent on non-ACD calls
Non-ACD Hold Time the total time for non-ACD calls put on hold
Outbound Time the total time the agent spent on outbound calls
Outbound Hold Time the total time for outbound calls agents put on hold
Do Not Disturb Time the total time the agent spent in the Do Not Disturb state
Make Busy Time the total time the agent spent in the Make Busy state
Wrap Up Time the total time the agent spent in the Work Timer state
Do Not Disturb Count the number of times the agent entered the Do Not Disturb state
Make Busy Count the number of times the agent entered the Make Busy state