Management Console 57
The Quick Configuration Wizard helps Mitel dealers configure Contact Center Management quickly and
accurately. Using the wizard, you can configure queues, agents, agent groups, trunks, trunk groups,
extensions, and the telephone directory. (See Table 5-1.)
To input telephone system data into the YourSite database using the Quick Configuration Wizard
1. Convert the telephone system Path, Agent Group, Trunk, Trunk Group, Multiline Set, Station Service,
and Telephone Directory Assignment Forms to .txt files.
2. Use the Quick Configuration Wizard to input the information from these forms into the Contact Center
Management YourSite database.
Converting SX-2000 assignment forms to .txt files
NOTE: It takes 10 to 15 minutes to convert each assignment form to text.
If you have an SX-2000, use the following instructions to convert the Path, Agent Group, Trunk, Trunk Group,
Multiline Set, Station Service, and Telephone Directory Assignment Forms to .txt files:
1. Click Start=>Programs=>Accessories=>Communications =>HyperTerminal.
The New Connection - HyperTerminal window and Connection Description window opens.
2. On the Connection Description window, under Name, type the name of this connection (for
example, Connection1).
3. Click OK.
The Connect To window opens.
4. After Connect using, select the Com port (for example, COM1).
5. Click OK.
The COM1 Properties window opens.
6. Verify that the bits per second, data bits, parity, stop bits, and flow control are correct.
7. Click OK.
The Connection1 HyperTerminal window opens.
8. Click File Properties.
9. Click the Settings tab.
10. Under Emulation, select VT-100.
11. Click OK.
12. On your keyboard, press Ctrl+W to refresh the page.
The SX-2000 terminal session page refreshes.
Table 5-1 Devices configured by assignment forms
Devices configured Telephone system assignment forms
Agents, agent groups Agent group assignment form
Queues Path assignment form
Extensions Multiline set assignment form, Station service assignment form
Trunks Trunk assignment form
Trunk groups Trunk group assignment form
Telephone Directory
CAUTION: To correctly import a Telephone Directory assignment form with
the Quick Configuration Wizard, the names of the media servers in YourSite
must be exactly the same as on the telephone switch.Otherwise, devices
cannot be associated to the correct media server.
Telephone Directory assignment form