552 Chapter 19 Traffic Analysis
Assigning ports
You must assign a port to the 3300 ICP to output traffic data.
To enable traffic data output
1. Log on to the 3300 ICP telephone system.
2. Browse to Application Logical Port Assignment.
3. Select Traffic Report Port.
4. Click Change.
5. Under Port Physical Name, type LPR1.
6. Click Save.
Verifying the traffic output
Before you configure traffic collection settings for the 3300 ICP, verify traffic data is being output through port
To verify traffic is being output through port 1754.
1. Click Start=>Programs=>Accessories=>Communication=>Hyperterminal.
2. After Name, type Traffic.
3. Click OK.
4. After Host address, type the IP address of the 3300 ICP
5. After Port number, type 1754.
Sections to include in Traffic Report Select Yes to enable the collection of data for each resource group
you want to include in the traffic report. The default is No.
Route Plans Yes
Route Lists Yes
Routes Yes
Trunk Groups Yes
Trunks Yes
Links No
Groups of Links No
Channels No
DTMF Receivers Yes
Data Transceivers No
Modem Groups No
Data Station Groups No
Attendant Groups Yes
Attendant Consoles Yes
Attendants Yes
Table 19-1 3300 ICP Traffic Options Assignment form
Option Value