Troubleshooting Intelligent Queue issues 495
To increase the Web session timer threshold value
1. Browse to <Intelligent Queue Installation folder>\XML\CONFIG\.
2. Open GlobalSetttings.xml.
4. Change the Web session timer from the default (5) to a value you specify.
NOTE: The Web session timer value must be entered in minutes.
5. Save the file.
Using the Services tool
You can use the Services tool to manage the Intelligent Queue Music and Telephony Services on your
computer, to set recovery actions to take place if a service fails, and to create custom names and descriptions
for services so that you can easily identify them.
Services are used to manage the services on your computer, set recovery actions to take place if a service
fails, and to create custom names and descriptions for services that are easily identifiable.
To troubleshoot Intelligent Queue Music and Telephony Services
1. On the Windows desktop, click Start.
2. Select Settings/Control Panel/Administrative Tools/Services.
3. View the IQR3 Music and IQR3 Telephony and verify that they are running.
4. You can click the appropriate icon in the taskbar to start, stop, or restart the services.
NOTE: Pause is not supported in Intelligent Queue Release 3.0.
See Figure 17-10.
Figure 17-10 Services window with Music and Telephony services started