534 Chapter 18 Workforce Scheduling
Viewing event totals
Event totals represent the total number of employees for an event. You can view event totals in 15 minute, 30
minute, 1 hour, 4 hour, or 1 day time intervals. Table 18-2 displays the event total time intervals that
correspond to the schedule views.
You can select from the following event totals:
Forecast—appears only after you have applied a forecast to a schedule. This total represents the number of
employees required to meet your specified Service Level objectives.
Scheduled—represents the number of employees scheduled at that time
Over/Under—represents the excess (over) or inadequate (under) number of employees scheduled when
compared to the number of employees forecasted.
On Break—represents the number of employees scheduled for a break at a certain time
ACD Jobs—represents the number of employees scheduled to perform ACD jobs
Non-ACD Jobs—represents the number of employees scheduled to perform non-ACD jobs
At work—represents the number of employees scheduled to handle contact requests
Overtime—represents the number of employees scheduled for overtime
To view event totals
1. In the Totals pane, click +.
2. Select the check boxes of the event totals to view.
3. Click -.
The totals pane appears with the event totals you selected.
Viewing schedule details
To group information in the schedule details pane
• On the schedule details pane, drag and drop the column header to organize to the Drag a column
header here to group by that column area on the window.
To sort information in the schedule details pane alphabetically
• On the schedule details pane, click the header of the column to sort alphabetically.
Table 18-2 Schedule views and corresponding event total time intervals
Schedule view Event totals time interval
8 hour 15 minute
12 hour 30 minute
1 day 1 hour
2 day 4 hour
1 week 1 day
2 week 1 day
1 month 1 day