292 Chapter 10 Data-mining Tools
Figure 10-4 ACD search results - Agent events tab
Narrowing an Agent events search
You can use the Options tab in conjunction with the Agent events search or the Queue events search. Using
the Options tab, you narrow down the time frame for either search.
You can run an Agent events search to find all of the records for a specific agent who was on ACD and when
that agent used Set Make Busy. Then you narrow the search with the Options tab to search between 9:00
A.M. and 11:00 A.M. only. The ACD Inspector results on the Agent events tab display the ACD activity and the
Make Busy activity for agent 2005 between 9:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. (See Figure 10-5.)
Table 10-2 Agent events result information
Column heading Description
Media server The Media server box identifies the telephone system (with or without MiTAI)
that produced the event record.
Function/Event The Function/Event box displays the criteria for which you searched - in this
case Agent answer ACD, Agent set Make Busy, Agent remove Make Busy.
Date The Date box displays the date of the event record (month/day/year).
Time The Time box displays the time the event occurred.
Extension Queue ID The Extension Queue ID displays the Extension or ACD queue used for the call.
The Extension Agent ID column contains the extensions when a search involves
the extension (such as Make Busy). It contains Queue IDs when no extension
information is requested (such as Agent Answer ACD).
Agent ID The Agent ID box displays the agent number for the agent involved in the call.
Line The Line number box displays the telephone line the agent used to pick up or
originate the call.
Idle Event Modifier The Idle Event Modifier box indicates when the agent is idle.