56 Chapter 5 Services and Database Administration
Opening Management Console
Management Console is available to users whose security permissions permit them to use Management
To open Management Console
1. Click Start=>Programs=>Mitel=>Contact Center Client.
2. Type your user name and password.
3. Click Log on.
The Contact Center Client window opens.
4. On the main toolbar, click Management.
See Figure 5-1.
Figure 5-1 Management Console
The Configuration menu enables you to
• Update the server IP address
• Import configuration data
Updating server IP addresses
If you want to apply Enterprise Server or SQL Database Server IP address changes to all Contact Center
Solutions applications, you use the Update Server IP Address Wizard.
To apply the IP address change to all Contact Center Solutions applications
1. In Management Console, click Configuration.
2. Click Configuration.
3. Click Update server IP address.
4. Follow the steps in the wizard to apply the IP address change universally.
Importing configuration data
• To use the Quick Configuration Wizard, you must have a SX-2000 telephone system.
• You can use the Quick Configuration Wizard one time only.
• If you have a 3300 ICP, you must use Synchronization to synchronize the YourSite Database and the
3300 ICP.
See “Configuring the YourSite database using synchronization” on page 112.