Scheduled Reports 269
To view a call recording
1. Run a Lifecycle report that contains call recordings.
See “Generating reports” on page 260.
2. Click View Report Inbox (upon submitting a report) or click Report Inbox=>Today’s reports.
3. After the report is complete, click View to view the Lifecycle report.
4. Click a call recording hyperlink.
See Figure 8-4.
If you have a Verint call recorder, you are directed to the call recording player. If you have an OAISYS
call recorder, you must provide the OAISYS Tracer system credentials, select Auto Login, close
Internet Explorer, and click the hyperlink to the call recording again before you can view the call
5. Click Play.
Figure 8-4 Lifecycle report call recording hyperlink
Editing reports in Excel
You can graph specific data by highlighting one or more columns of data in the Excel spreadsheet and using
the Excel Chart Wizard. For more information, see Microsoft Excel Help.
Deleting reports
Maintenance Service deletes any reports that are 30 days or older from your report inbox. You must save any
reports you want to retain beyond 30 days to your hard drive or network directory.
Report Writer uses the following criteria to determine a report’s age. For on-demand reports, the request date
governs the report’s age. For scheduled reports, the date the system generates the report governs the
report’s age. Inbox manager does not delete reports you schedule to generate in the future.
To delete all of the reports submitted on a given date
1. Click Report Inbox=>Inbox manager.
2. Select fixed dates or a date range for deleting reports.
3. Select the status type(s).
4. Click Delete.
The Inbox manager deletes all of the reports submitted on the date(s) you specified.