18 Chapter 2 Contact Center Concepts
Figure 2-3 Multiple queue routing
Interflowing calls
You can program the telephone system to direct a queue delayed call to voice mail or to another answering
point. The interflow timer runs independently of the overflow timer. If the interflow timer expires, the system
removes the call from the queue and re-directs it to another answering point, such as a trunk or voice mail.
The inbound call environment
The inbound contact center environment has unique characteristics that must be considered in effective
planning and management.
Predicting call arrivals
Calls arrive randomly to contact centers. You cannot predict the minute-to-minute arrival of calls. This results
in unanticipated increases in workload, and impacts staffing calculations and the load carried by system and
network resources.
You can predict the pattern of call arrivals for 15-minute or longer intervals. For example, you can predict that
next Monday between 1:00 P.M. and 1:30 P.M. you will receive 60 phone calls. However, you cannot predict
how many calls will arrive in the first five minutes, the second five minutes, and so on.
Understanding caller tolerance
Several factors influence a caller’s tolerance to queue delays:
• The immediacy of the caller’s requirement
• The availability of similar products or services
• The caller’s expectations for service
• The time available to make the call
• Whether or not the caller is paying for the call