600 Glossary
Announcement Device
Call Routing
A Recorded Announcement Device (RAD) is a
system that provides prerecorded messages to
callers waiting in the ACD queue.
Reporting Number N/A The reporting number is the number assigned
to contact center resources, such as trunks,
devices, and ACD queues, for reporting
Dialable Number Endpoint (5000)
Station (Axxess)
The dialable number is the digit or series of
digits a caller dials to reach an agent at an
extension, an ACD queue, voice mail, or some
other answering point.
Make Busy Do Not Disturb (DND) Make Busy is an agent state in which the agent
removes himself/herself from the ACD queue.
While in Make Busy, the agent does not
receive any ACD queue calls, but can receive
calls dialled directly to their extension.
Do Not Disturb (DND) Do Not Disturb (DND) Do Not Disturb (DND) is an agent state in
which the agent disables their extension to
prevent any calls from being routed there.
5000/Axxess concept of Do Not Disturb is
more aligned with Mitel’s concept of Make
Busy, where an agent removes himself/herself
from the ACD queue, but can still receive calls
dialled directly to their extension.
Table 1: Mitel and 5000/Axxess terminology compared
Mitel term 5000/Axxess term Definition / Differences