WallBoarder 241
Figure 7-30 Add sign plan tab
Creating sign plans for daisy-chained signs
If your wall signs are daisy chained together and you want to display the same messages on all of the wall
signs, you create one sign group, add your signs to it, and associate the sign group with a sign plan. The wall
signs share the same com port, but have unique serial addresses.
If your wall signs are daisy chained together and you want to display unique messages on all of the wall signs,
you must create one sign group for each sign in the chain, and associate each sign group with a unique sign
plan. The wall signs share the same com port, but have unique serial addresses.
To create a sign plan
1. Click Real-time=>WallBoarder.
2. Click Sign plan.
The Add sign plan tab appears.
See Figure 7-31.
3. After Name, type the plan name (for example, type Sign plan - P800).
4. After Sign group, select the sign group to which you will apply the sign plan.
5. Select the If check box to define the first conditional message for the sign plan.
6. Under Sign variable, select a sign variable.
7. Under Evaluates to, specify the threshold, above or below which, a sign message is displayed.
8. Under Play message, select a sign message.
9. If you want an audible alarm to accompany the message, select the Beep check box.
10. Click the Business hours tab.
11. After Outside business hours display the following message, select a message to be displayed
on the wall signs after business hours.
NOTE: Business-hour messages override scheduled messages.
12. After Business hours schedule for the sign plan, select a schedule that defines the hours of
operation for your business.
13. If you want to apply the schedule to all of the sign plans at your contact center site, select the Apply
the business hours schedule to all of the sign plans at this site check box.
14. Click Save.