Switcher Software, cont’d
ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • Switcher Software
Time (local) eld
The Time (local) field displays the current time in the local time zone. If necessary,
click on the Sync Date & Time to PC button to set the switcher to your computer’s
internal time or else adjust the time manually as follows:
. Click in the time field and highlight the desired portion (hours:minutes:
seconds [HH:MM:SS] (00:00:00 to 23:59:59). The graphic cursor becomes a text
cursor in the set time field.
. Edit the field as desired to set the proper time. Remember to use 24-hour
time. Leading zeroes are optional.
. Press the Tab key on the keyboard or click in another field to exit the set time
. Click the Take button to make the time change take affect.
Daylight Savings check box
Click one of the Daylight Saving radio buttons to turn Daylight Saving Time on
or off. When Daylight Saving Time is on, the switcher automatically updates its
internal clock between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time in the spring and
fall on the date that the time change occurs in the nation or region selected. When
Daylight Saving is turned off, the switcher does not adjust its time reference.
System Settings Passwords window
Figure 5-19 — System Settings Passwords window
The Password fields let you password-protect the ISS 506, so that a password
is required to log on via the LAN port and operate the switcher. Two levels of
password protection are available: administrator and user.
• Theadministratorlevelgrantsyoutheabilitytoseeandeditmostsettings,
including sensitive system setup variables.
• Theuserlevelgrantsyoubasicoperationalcapabilities,withoutallofthe
administrator’s rights and privileges.
Passwords are case sensitive and are limited to 12 uppercase and/or lowercase
alphanumeric characters. These fields are masked with asterisks (****) as a security