
ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • HTML Operation
To select and output a test pattern, use the Test Pattern dropbox in the Advanced
Configuration area to select the desired pattern (Color Bars; crosshatch; 4 x 4
crosshatch; split grayscale; ramp; alternating pixels; crop; or film aspect ratios of
1.78, 1.85, and 2.35), and then click the radio button that specifies the output (Off
[no test pattern is output], program output, preview output, or both outputs).
Use the RGB Delay drop box in the Advanced Configuration area to set the RGB
delay when switching among inputs for the same output, from 0 seconds to 5
seconds in 0.1 second steps. With RGB delay, sync is never removed from the
output. Rather, the ISS blanks the RGB (video) outputs while the scaler locks to
the new sync, and then switches the RGB signals. This allows a brief delay for the
displays to adjust to the new sync timing before displaying the new picture, which
will appear without glitches. RGB delay is also known as Triple-Action Switching
or video mute switching.
Use the appropriate radio buttons in the Advanced Configuration area to select the
Stay or Swap Preview Switch mode and to select among the various front panel
locks (executive modes).
Select the Blue Screen check box in the Advanced Configuration area to turn on the
blue mode, in which the switcher outputs the blue video and the sync signals only.
Select the Program Lockout Mode check box and the various Executive Mode radio
buttons to select among the front panel and software locks.
Scan converter board page
The Scan Converter Board link and page are available only if your ISS has
the optional scan converter output board installed (either included as delivered
[ISS 506 SC or ISS 506 DI/SC] or installed after purchase [part #70-486-01].
Reach the Scan converter board page (figure 6-6) by clicking the Scan Converter
Board link on the System Configuration page. See chapter 3, “Operation,” for
descriptions of the settings on this page.
Scan Converter Board*
ISS Settings
System Settings
Email Alerts
Firmware Upgrade
* The Scan Converter Board link is available only if the optional scan converter output board is
Figure 6-6 Scan converter board page
Use the dropboxes to select the optional scan converter board’s output video format
(composite/S-video, YUV, or RGsB) and standard (NTSC or PAL).
The scan converter board can output S-video and composite video