
Operation, cont’d
ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • Operation
Audio Level submenu
Rotate the Adjust [ knob while the Input format submenu is active to select an
input to configure. Rotate the Adjust { knob to select the audio gain or attenuation
value, from -18 dB to +24 dB. The default for each input is a 0 dB audio level.
Film Mode submenu
The Film Mode submenu lets you turn PAL film mode (2:2 pulldown detection) on
and off for each input. The PAL film mode should be used for a PAL video source
that originated from film. PAL film mode applies video processing algorithms that
optimize the conversion of video that was made with the 2:2 pulldown (PAL video
from film) process.
Rotate the Adjust [ knob while the Input format submenu is active to select an
input to configure. Rotate the Adjust { knob to select On or Off.
Vertical Start and Horizontal Start submenus
The Vertical Start submenu defines the number of lines per frame that are inside
the blanking area above the active area (figure 3-5). The Horizontal Start submenu
defines the number of pixels per line that are inside the blanking area to the left of
the active area.
Active Area
Active Blanking Area
Figure 3-5 — Incorrectly started image
Both submenus adjust where the electronic scaling process takes effect. The input
starting point and active area should be manually adjusted, if necessary, to match
the input video signal, framing the active area of the input signal. If the start point
is set incorrectly, the scaler may add blank borders on the leading edges (top or left
side) or it may crop the active area on the trailing edges (bottom or right side).
Select the appropriate submenu. Rotate the Adjust [ knob while the Input format
submenu is active to select an input to configure. Rotate the Adjust { knob to set
the start variable.
Figure 3-5 shows an image that is improperly started (as indicated by the dashed
lines). If the horizontal start adjustment is set to less than the amount of actual
blanking, the ISS starts scaling the input before the start of the active image.