ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • Operation
The following tips may help you in troubleshooting.
• Somesymptomsmayresembleothers,soyoumaywanttolookthroughall
of the examples before attempting to solve the problem.
• Bepreparedtobacktrackincasetheactiontakendoesnotsolvetheproblem.
• Itmayhelptokeepnotesandsketchesincasethetroubleshootingprocess
gets lengthy. This will also give you something to discuss if you call for
technical support.
• Trysimplifyingthesystembyeliminatingcomponentsthatmayhave
introduced the problem or made it more complicated.
• For sync-related problems: Portable digital projectors are designed to operate
close to the video source. Sync problems may result from using long cables
or from improper termination. A sync adapter, such as Extron’s ASTA (Active
Sync Termination Adapter), may help solve these problems.
• For LCD and DLP projectors and plasma displays: In addition to the
sync-related information above, check the user’s manual that came with the
projector for troubleshooting tips, as well as for settings and adjustments.
Each manufacturer may have its own terms, so look for terms like “auto
setup”, “auto sync”, “pixel phase”, and “tracking”.
General checks
1. Ensure that all devices are plugged in and powered on. The switcher is
receiving power if the LCD window is displaying the default display cycle.
. Ensure an active input is selected on the switcher.
3. Ensure that the proper signal format is supplied.
4. Check the cabling and make corrections as necessary.
5. Call the Extron S3 Sales & Technical Support Hotline if necessary. See the rear
cover of this manual for the phone number in your region of the world.