Operation, cont’d
ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • Operation
MAC Address display
The read-only MAC Address display shows the hardcoded, factory assigned
hardware address.
DHCP Mode submenu
The DHCP Mode submenu displays the on or off status of the Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol (DHCP) method of IP addressing. If DHCP is on, the
switcher ignores any entered IP addresses and obtains its IP address from a DHCP
server (if the network is DHCP capable).
When this submenu is selected from the Edit Communications Settings menu,
rotate either Adjust knob to select (< >) DHCP Mode On or Off. Contact the local
system administrator.
IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Gateway Address submenus
These submenus display the ISS’s IP address, the subnet mask, and the gateway
server address (if any).
Valid IP addresses consist of four 1-, 2-, or 3-digit numeric subfields, properly called
octets, separated by dots (periods). Each octet can be numbered from 000 through
255. Leading zeroes, up to 3 digits total per octet, are optional. Values of 256 and
above are invalid. Contact the local system administrator for these addresses.
If the local system administrators have not changed the value, the factory-
specified default address,, is the correct value for this field.
When these submenus are selected from the Edit Communications Settings menu,
rotate the Adjust [ knob to select an octet to edit and rotate the Adjust { knob to
change the value of the selected octet.