
Switcher Software, cont’d
ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • Switcher Software
Uploading images
The IP Link File Manager must be installed on your computer to perform this
operation. Extron recommends that you install this program when you install
the ISS 506 Control Program. If you did not, you can downloaded it from the
Extron Web site, www.extron.com, and installed it separately.
You can upload your own images to use as logos. Upload image files to the ISS as
. In the ISS 506 control Program, click File > File Manager to start the IPL File
Manager program.
The File Manger selection is not available if any of the following conditions is
• TheFirmwareLoaderprogramisnotinstalledonthePC.
• YourPCisconnectedtotheISSviaaserialportlink.
• TheISSispasswordprotectedandyouareloggedonwithauserpassword.
If the Select Startup Mode window (figure 5-23) does not appear, proceed to
step 4:
. If the Select Startup Mode window (figure 5-23) appears:
And you have not used this program while connected to this ISS before,
click Manually Add IP Link Device(s) and proceed to step 3.
And you have used this program while connected to this ISS before, click
Use Previous Setup and proceed to step 4.
Select the Never ask again checkbox to skip the Select Startup Mode Window step
from now on.
Figure 5-23 — Select Startup Mode window
3. Type the ISS’s IP address and, if the ISS is password protected, the password
into the Add IP Link Interface box. Click OK.
. The IP Link File Manager program window appears (figure 5-24). The
window contains two major sections.
• ComputerSystem(leftsection)—Displaysyourcomputer’slesystem.
In this section you can browse to locate files on your PC hard drive or a
server to which you have access.
• IPLinkInterfaces(rightsection)—Displaysthelesthatareloadedin
the ISS.