HTML Operation, cont’d
ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • HTML Operation
3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for other variables that need to be changed.
. If appropriate, select the Daylight Saving radio button to turn on the daylight
savings time feature.
When daylight saving time is turned on, the switcher automatically updates its
internal clock between Standard Time and Daylight Saving Time in the spring
and fall on the date that the time change occurs in the country or region selected.
When Daylight Saving Time is turned off, the switcher does not adjust its time
. Click the Submit button.
ISS Settings page
Access the ISS Settings page (figure 6-5) by clicking the ISS Settings link on the
System Settings page. See chapter 3, “Operation,” for descriptions of the settings
on this page.
Scan Converter Board*
* The Scan Converter Board link is available only if the optional scan converter output board is
System Settings
Email Alerts
Firmware Upgrade
Figure 6-5 — ISS Settings page
The fields on the ISS Settings page allow you to configure the six inputs, the
preview and program output, and select advanced configuration options.
The dropboxes associated with each input permit you to specify the input video
format (RGB, YUV-HD, YUV-P, RGBcvS, YUVi, S-video, and composite) and the
input audio gain or attenuation level (-18 dB to + 24 dB). You can also use the
and buttons to increment and decrement the level 1 dB at a time. Use the check
boxes to turn the Auto Image function and film mode on and off.
The dropboxes in the Output Configuration area let you select the output
resolution, the output refresh rate, output sync format (RGBHV, RGsB,
YUV bi-level, and YUV tri-level) and output sync polarity.