ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • Switcher Software
Using the help system
For information about program features, you can access the help program in any of
the following ways:
• FromtheExtronElectronicsprogramfolderorgroup,
double-click on the ISS 506 Help icon (shown at right).
• FromwithintheISS506ControlProgram,clickHelp >
Contents on the menu bar.
• FromwithintheISS506ControlProgram,presstheF1key.
Button Label Generator
The Button Label Generator software creates labels that you can place in the
translucent covers of the input select buttons. You can create labels with names,
alphanumeric characters, or even color bitmaps for easy and intuitive input and
output selection. See chapter 7, “Modifications”, for blank labels and the procedure
for removing and replacing the translucent covers.
The Extron Button Label Generator is available on the Extron Web site, www.
, under the Download tab. Click the Software link (figure 5-28), and
download and install the program.
Figure 5-28 — Location of Software on the web site.
By default, the Windows installation creates a C:\Program Files\Extron\
ButtonLabelGenerator directory and places the Button Label Generator icon into a
group or folder named “Extron Electronics”.
Using the Button Label Generator software
1. To run the Button Label Generator program,
select Start > Programs >
Extron Electronics > Button Label
Generator > Button Label Generator. The Button Label Generator window
appears (figure 5-29).