Operation, cont’d
ISS 506 Integration Seamless Switcher • Operation
Preview Switch Mode submenu
The Preview Switch Mode submenu lets you set the way the preview output
responds to the cut or take operation.
• Stay mode — For either a cut or take operation, the video and audio signals
on the preview output are applied to the program output (figure 3-15) and
also continue on the preview output until another input is selected.
The video input switches between the switcher’s two internal scalers.
• Swap mode — For either a cut or a take operation, the preview and program
outputs are swapped (figure 3-15). The video and audio signals on the
preview output are applied to the program output. The video and audio
signals that had been applied to the program output are applied to the
preview output.
Each of the switcher’s two internal scalers retains the same video inputs; only
the outputs are swapped.
Use either Adjust knob to select Stay or Swap.
Scaler A
Press Cut or
Scaler B
Scaler A
Scaler B
Stay Mode
Scaler A changes inputs. Neither scaler changes inputs.
Swap Mode
Input 1
(program output)
Input 2
(preview output)
Input 1
(program output)
Input 2
(preview output)
Program Monitor
(input 2)
Preview Monitor
(input 2)
Program Monitor
(input 2)
Preview Monitor
(input 1)
Press Cut or
Figure 3-15 — Stay mode and swap mode
Reset submenu
The Reset submenu resets the ISS 506 to the default values. Reset the switcher by
pressing and holding the Detail button while this submenu is active. The LCD
window displays Unit Reset to Factory Defaults when the reset is complete.
Release the Detail button.