Station Login
Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007
On-Hook The voice path to your telephone is inactive.
Phone display A 40-character display that is located in the status bar of the Avaya IP Agent
main window. This display area receives information from the Avaya
communication server so that you can see call and non-call related information,
such as call prompted digits and VuStats.
Prompted digits One or more numbers entered by a caller that indicate responses to automated
questions posed when the call first enters the contact center.
PSTN See Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN).
Public Directory A database that can be accessed through the Lightweight Directory Access
Protocol (LDAP) protocol. A Public Directory usually contains information on
people or personnel within some unit of organization, such as a business,
educational facility, and so forth.
Public Switched
Telephone Network
The worldwide voice telephone network.
RC See Reason Code (RC).
Read-only A folder or file that can be read, but not modified, updated, or deleted.
Reason Code (RC) A numeric code that describes the reason that an agent enters the AUX work
mode or logs out of the system.
Registry The system-wide repository of information supported and used by Windows.
Release Disconnects the current call.
Response file See Silent install.
Right-To-Use (RTU) A licensing mechanism used in Avaya communication servers. In some
situations, multiple RTUs can be used by a single extension so that data and
voice signaling are supported.
Screen Pop The automatic display of information on the screen of the personal computer
from other sources, such as databases or Web pages. Screen Pops are
activated by triggering criteria.
Skill An attribute that is assigned to an ACD Agent. Agent Skills can be thought of as
the ability for an Agent with a particular set of skills to handle a call that requires
one of those skills.
Softphone A software application that enables you to control telephone calls, both
incoming and outgoing, directly from your computer, where communication is
done through Voice-over-IP.
Split A group of extensions that receives special-purpose calls in an efficient,
cost-effective manner. Normally, calls to a split arrive primarily over one or a few
trunk groups.
Station Login The process of registering as an extension of an Avaya communication server.
With Avaya IP Agent, a station login must be completed before an agent login
can occur.