Chapter 9: Screen pops
96 Avaya IP Agent Installation and User Guide for Citrix June 2007
● User-to-User Information (UUI) is a unique identifier that is added to an incoming call
through an external application, such as Avaya ASAI. To pass UUI, the Avaya
communication server must have the Display UUI Information feature enabled.
Additionally, the UUI feature does not support user-defined languages. This feature is only
available for incoming calls, and it requires that a uui-info button is administered for the
extension receiving the call.
Creating a Windows application screen pop
This section provides the procedure for starting a Windows application when Avaya IP Agent
receives an incoming call or an outgoing call is made.
Steps for creating an application screen pop
To create a Windows screen pop:
1. From the menu bar of the Avaya IP Agent window, select Tools > Screen Pops.
Avaya IP Agent displays the Screen Pops window.
2. Select File > New.
Avaya IP Agent displays the Screen Pops wizard.
3. Enter a name for this screen pop in the text box.
4. Ensure that the Window Explorer option button is selected.