IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: HSS-Access (IxHssAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
206 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
1. The client issues a packet service connect request to IxHssAcc.
2. IxHssAcc instructs IxQMgr to configure the necessary queues and register callbacks.
3. IxHssAcc configures the NPE with the HDLC parameters passed by the client.
4. The client enables the packet service.
5. IxHssAcc enables the NPE flow.
13.6.2 Packetized Tx
When the client has nothing to transmit, the HSS will transmit the idle pattern provided in the
function ixHssAccPktPortConnect().
When the client has data for transmission, the client will call IX_OSAL_MBUF_POOL_GET() to
get a IXP_BUF, put the data into the IXP_BUF using IX_OSAL_MBUF_MDATA(). If the client
data is too large to fit into one buffer, multiple buffers can be obtained from the pool, and put into a
chained buffers by using IX_OSAL_MBUF_PKT_LEN() and
IX_OSAL_MBUF_NEXT_BUFFER_IN_PKT_PTR(). The whole chained buffer is passed to
IxHssAcc for transmission by calling ixHssAccPktPortTx().
Figure 64. Packetized Connect
HSS Port
2. Configure queues. Configure Rx,
RxFreeLow, TxDone callbacks.
Application Level
Access Layer
Physical Interface
1. ixHssAccPktPortConnect (...)
3. Configure NPE
4. ixHssAccPktPortEnable()
5. Enable NPE data flow