IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Parity Error Notifier (IxParityENAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
240 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
3. When a parity error occurs, the interrupt will fire and invoke the ISR of the IxParityENAcc
4. IxParityENAcc, in turn, invokes the client callback.
5. The client or data abort handler callback routine will then fetch the parity error context details
and take appropriate action.
6. The client will then request to clear the interrupt condition.
The Parity Error Context will provide the following details:
• Source where the parity error detected
• Access type – Read/Write
• Faulty memory address
• Data from the faulty location if available
• Interface on which the request is made (AHB Bus or MPI)
• Master and Slave of the last erroneous AHB transaction
Table 47 describes the actions that should be taken when the client callback or data abort handler
invokes the API to clear the parity interrupt conditions for the specified parity error context.
Table 47. Parity Error Interrupt Deassertion Conditions (Sheet 1 of 2)
Interrupt Bit Source API Invoked by... Action Taken During Interrupt Clear
Client callback
Interrupt will be masked off at the
interrupt controller so that it will not
trigger continuously.
Client application has to take appropriate
action and needs to reconfigure the parity
error detection subsequently so that it is
notified of the interrupts.
Int8 PCI Client Callback
Interrupt condition is cleared at the PCI
bus controller for the following:
- PCI Initiator
- PCI Target
Int58 SWCP Client Callback
Interrupt will be masked off at the
interrupt controller so that it will not
trigger continuously.
Client application has to take appropriate
action and needs to reconfigure the parity
error detection subsequently so that it is
notified of the interrupts.