IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: Performance Profiling (IxPerfProfAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
264 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
This pointer is interpreted as “the number of 66-MHz clock ticks for one measurement.” It is
stored within the tool while it is being run and serves only as a reference for the user.
2. Create a thread that runs the code to be monitored. To begin the Xcycle measurements, call
the start function, with parameter:
This start the measurements immediately. numMeasurementsRequested specifies number of
measurements to run.
If numMeasurementsRequested is set to 0, the measurement will be performed continuously
until IxPerfProfAccXcycleStop() is called. It is estimated that one measurement takes
approximately 1 s during low CPU utilization, therefore 128 measurement takes
approximately 128 s.
When CPU utilization is high, the measurement will take longer. This function spawn a task
the perform the measurement and returns. The measurement may continue even if this
function returns.
storage available so storing is wrapped around if measurements are more than
3. If ixPerfProfAccXcycleStart() is called with an input of zero, this indicates continuous
measurements. In this case, the measurements are stopped, by calling the stop function:
As it takes the measurements some time to complete, the user should call the following
function to determine if any measurements are still running:
4. To obtain the results of the measurements made, the user should call the results function, with
The result contains:
— float maxIdlePercentage — Maximum percentage of Idle cycles
— float minIdlePercentage — Minimum percentage of Idle cycles
— float aveIdlePercentage — Average percentage of Idle cycles
— UINT32 totalMeasurements — Total number of measurement made
If the user has declared a pointer IxPerfProfAccXcycleResults *xcycleResult,
the user may then print out the results of the xcycle measurements as shown in Figure 88.
ixPerfProfAccXcycleStart(UINT32 numMeasurementsRequested)
ixPerfProfAccXcycleResultsGet(IxPerfProfAccXcycleResults *xcycleResult)
Figure 88. Display Xcycle Measurement
printf("Maximum percentage of idle cycles = %f\n", xcycleResult->maxIdlePercentage);
printf("Minimum percentage of idle cycles = %f\n", xcycleResult->minIdlePercentage);
printf("Average percentage of idle cycles = %f\n", xcycleResult->aveIdlePercentage);
printf("Total number of measurements = %u\n", xcycleResult->totalMeasurements);