IXP400 Software
Endianness in Intel
IXP400 Software
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
360 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
Figure 119 shows that the IP protocol stack operates correctly with the payload offered to the stack
for half-word-aligned ix_data using Data Coherent Little-Endian mode and the IP protocol stack’s
use of data conversion macros. Learning Database Function
There are two main communication mechanisms between the Ethernet NPEs and the Intel XScale
core Ethernet learning function:
• NPE messages passed using the IxNpeMh interface
• Direct data structure exchanges between the IxEthDB access-layer component and NPEs
The messages passed to/from the NPE and Intel XScale core are transferred via the IxNpeMh
interface. Messages are written in the native endianness (BE or LE) and swapped independently by
the Message Handler, before sending them to the NPEs. As mentioned in “NPE Message Handler
— IxNpeMh” on page 356, messages may contain multiple word-wide data elements.
IxEthDB does not explicitly swap data when communicating with the NPEs. Data structures
directly exchanged by EthDB with the NPEs, such as trees and arrays with MAC addresses and
additional information, are written in a byte-oriented manner, which guarantees correct operation
when the memory is accessed in Big-Endian or Data Coherent Little-Endian mode. Tree uploads
are handled identically, using byte accesses. Ethernet Access MIB Statistics
The Ethernet NPEs maintain error statistics, accessible via the IxEthAcc API. The statistics are
recovered from the NPE via an SDRAM buffer. The buffer will be populated from the NPEs in
Big-Endian mode. As such, all words undergo a Big-Endian-to-Little-Endian (Data Coherent)
conversion before the results are returned to the user. Intel
IXP400 Software IxEthAcc and IxEthDB Summary
This section presents a summary of the changes that were made to the IxEthAcc component,
assuming NPE is Big-Endian and all SDRAM is in Little-Endian Data Coherent mode.
16-bit Identif (swapped) flag/Fragment offset (swap)
TTL Protocol header checksum(swapped)
src-ip[3] Src-ip[2] src-ip[1] src-ip[0]
dst-ip[3] Dst-ip[2] dst-ip[1] dst-ip[0]
UDP/TCP Header
803.2 Destination MAC Address
802.3 Source MAC Address
802.3 Type
Internet Protocol
UDP/TCP Header
Figure 119. Intel XScale
Core Read of IP Header (LE Data Coherent) (Continued)