IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: NPE Message Handler (IxNpeMh) API
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 231
15.7 Dependencies
The IxNpeMh component’s dependencies (as shown in Figure 74) are:
• Client software components must use the IxNpeMh component for messages to and from the
• The IxNpeMh component must use IxOSAL for error-handling, resource protection, and
registration of ISRs.
15.8 Error Handling
The IxNpeMh component uses IxOSAL to report errors and warnings. Parameters passed to the
IxNpeMh component are error-checked whenever possible. Interface functions of the IxNpeMh
component return a status to the client, indicating success or failure.
The most important error scenarios — when using the IxNpeMh — are:
• Failure to send a message if the NPE is unable to accept one.
• Failure to receive a message if no suitable callback can be found.
• Failure to send a message implies there is some problem with the NPE. Failure to receive a
message means the message will be discarded.
• To avoid message loss, clients should ensure that unsolicited callbacks are registered for all
unsolicited message types.
Figure 74. ixNpeMh Component Dependencies
Client Software
Client Software
Client Software