IXP400 Software
Access-Layer Components: ATM Driver Access (IxAtmdAcc) API
April 2005 IXP400 Software Version 2.0 Programmer’s Guide
54 Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007
• Support AAL-0-52 PDU transmission service, which accepts PDUs containing an integral
number of 52-byte cells for transmission on a particular port and VC. (PDUs may consist of
single or chained IXP_BUFs.)
• Supports OAM PDU transmission service, which accepts PDUs containing an integral number
of 52-byte OAM cells for transmission on a particular port independent of the VC. (PDUs may
consist of single or chained IXP_BUFs.)
• Supports ATM traffic shaping
— Scheduler registration: Allows registration of ATM traffic-shaping entities on a per-ATM-
port basis. A registered scheduler must be capable of accepting per-VC-cell demand
notifications from AtmdAcc.
— Transmission control: Allows ATM traffic-shaping entities to determine when cells are
sent and the number of cells sent from each VC at a time.
• Supports setting or viewing the CLP for AAL-5 CPCS SARed PDUs.
• Supports setting the transmit CLP CUP in all cells of an AAL-0-48 PDU.
• Supports the client setting the transmit GFC, PTI, or CLP in any cell of an AAL-0-52/OAM
IxAtmdAcc does not process cell headers for AAL-0-52/OAM, thus GFC, PTI, and CLP must
be set in the cell headers in the PDU by the client. (The HEC is not included.)
• Supports delivery of fully formed AAL-5 CPCS PDUs received on a particular port and VC
with error detection for CRC errors, priority queuing, and corrupt-packet delivery.
(PDUs may consist of single or chained IXP_BUFs.)
• Supports delivery of AAL-0 PDU containing 48-byte cells (with good HEC) — received on a
particular port and VC.
• Supports delivery of AAL-0 PDU containing 52-byte cells — received on a particular port and
• Supports delivery of an OAM PDU containing a single, 52-byte OAM cell (with good HEC,
and good CRC-10) — received on any port and any VC.
• Allows the client to determine the port on which the PDU was received, for all client service
• Supports viewing the receive CLP of an AAL-0-48 PDU (logical or of the CLP value in each
cell contained in the PDU).
• Allows the client to view the GFC, PTI, or CLP of any cell in a received AAL-0-52/OAM
The component does not process cell headers for AAL-0-52/OAM. CLP may be read from the
header cells in the PDU by the client.
• Supports up to 32 VCC channels for transmit services and up to 32 channels for AAL-0/
AAL-5 receive services. One client per channel is supported.
• Supports one dedicated OAM transmit channel (OAM-VC) per port. This channel supports
transmission of OAM cells on any VC.
• Supports one dedicated OAM receive channel (OAM-VC) for all ports. This channel supports
reception of OAM cells from any port on any VC.
• Provides an interface to retrieve statistics unavailable at the client layer.