IXP400 Software
Operating System Abstraction Layer (OSAL)
Programmer’s Guide IXP400 Software Version 2.0 April 2005
Document Number: 252539, Revision: 007 321
Table 62. OSAL Core Interface (Sheet 2 of 2)
ixOsalMutexInit initializes a mutex
ixOsalMutexLock locks a mutex
ixOsalMutexUnlock unlocks a mutex
ixOsalMutexTryLock non-blocking attempt to lock a mutex
ixOsalMutexDestroy destroys a mutex object
ixOsalFastMutexInit initializes a fast mutex
ixOsalFastMutexTryLock non-blocking attempt to lock a fast mutex
ixOsalFastMutexUnlock unlocks a fast mutex
ixOsalFastMutexDestroy destroys a fast mutex object
ixOsalSemaphoreInit initializes a semaphore
ixOsalSemaphorePost posts to (increments) a semaphore
ixOsalSemaphoreWait waits on (decrements) a semaphore
ixOsalSemaphoreTryWait non-blocking wait on semaphore
ixOsalSemaphoreGetValue gets semaphore value
ixOsalSemaphoreDestroy destroys a semaphore object
Thread synchronization
ixOsalYield yields execution of current thread
ixOsalSleep yielding sleep for a number of
ixOsalBusySleep busy sleep for a number of microseconds
ixOsalTimestampGet value of the timestamp counter
ixOsalTimestampResolutionGet resolution of the timestamp counter
ixOsalSysClockRateGet system clock rate, in ticks
ixOsalTimeGet current system time
IX_OSAL_TIMEVAL_TO_TICKS converts ixOsalTimeVal into ticks
IX_OSAL_TICKS_TO_TIMEVAL converts ticks into ixOsalTimeVal
IX_OSAL_TIMEVAL_TO_MS converts ixOsalTimeVal to milliseconds
IX_OSAL_MS_TO_TIMEVAL converts milliseconds to IxOsalTimeval
IX_OSAL_TIME_EQ “equal” comparison for IxOsalTimeval
IX_OSAL_TIME_LT “less than” comparison for IxOsalTimeval
IX_OSAL_TIME_GT “greater than” comparison for
IX_OSAL_TIME_ADD “add” operator for IxOsalTimeval
IX_OSAL_TIME_SUB “subtract” operator for IxOsalTimeval
ixOsalLogLevelSet sets the current logging verbosity level
ixOsalLog interrupt-safe logging function
ixOsalRepeatingTimerSchedule schedules a repeating timer
ixOsalSingleShotTimerShedule schedules a single-shot timer
ixOsalTimerCancel cancels a running timer
ixOsalTimersShow displays all the running timers