175Snapshot Operations in the Menus
Chapter 14 Snapshots
User: User1 (“USR1”) to User8 (“USR8”)
DME: indicate assignment of DME ch1 (“DME1”), ch2 (“DME2”), ch3
(“DME3”), and ch4 (“DME4”).
Snapshot Register Editing
You can carry out the following editing on snapshot registers.
(You can use similar procedures also on master snapshot, wipe snapshot, DME
wipe snapshot and key snapshot registers.)
• Lock: Write-protect the contents of the register.
• Copy: Copy the contents of one register to another register.
•Move: Move the contents of one register to another register.
• Swap: Swap the contents of two registers.
• Delete: Delete the contents of a register.
• Name: Attach a name to a register.
For details of snapshot register operations, see “Effect Register Editing”
(page 151).