Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 9 Summary Report and Wingz Report
Configuring Summary Reports
When the Include Peak Data button is enabled, the percent peak values of the total traffic transmitted
and received for a selected port are displayed along with the average values in the same graph. The
average raw counts are displayed in tabular form. The statistic types used to plot this report are based on
the port type. The Report Application retrieves peak instances (within the plot period) of all statistic
types from the database and calculates the following:
• Peak number of bytes received from the network (in percentage of port speed) = (peak number of
bits received per second / port speed) * 100
• Peak number of bytes transmitted to the network (in percentage of port speed) = (peak number of
bits transmitted per second / port speed) * 100
Select Port for Report Pane
The Select Port for Report pane is comprised of the following components:
Clear Button
Click on this button to clear the Port Identifier pane and return to the default settings.
Filter Button
Click on this button to populate the Port Identifier pane with the ports matching the report filter options
you specified.
Port Type
A set of toggle buttons corresponding to the port types supported (Frame Relay, ATM, and Voice) are
displayed in this area. By default, all port types are selected.
Node Name
Specify the node name for the local end point in this field. Click on the “...” button to display the
Node:Shelf Selection window. Select the node name and corresponding shelf name from this window.
The default is all nodes (the field is blank).
Table 9-6 Required Statistics for Port Traffic Summary
Port Type
Percentage Bytes Received
(Stats ID)
Percentage Bytes Transmitted
(Stats ID)
Cisco IGX 8400 Frame Relay
(FRP, FRM, and UFM)
Number of Bytes Received (2) Number of Bytes Transmitted (3)
Cisco BPX 8600 ATM
Number of Cells Received (7) Number of Cells Transmitted
Cisco MGX 8220 Frame Relay
Number of Bytes Received (2) Number of Bytes Transmitted (3)
Cisco MGX 8220 ATM (AUSM) Total Number of Cells Received
from Line (40)
Total Number of Cells
Transmitted from Line (41)
Voice (UVM, CVM, CDP) Number of Voice Packets
Received (61)
Number of Voice Packets
Transmitted (60)