Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 4 Connection Manager
PVC Connections Supported by Release 10 of CWM
Note In this release, Multicast connections are not supported from the Connection Manager GUI.
Table 4-11 lists the cards that belong to the various endpoint card types.
Modifying Connection Parameters
From the Connection Management main window, select a node and click the Apply button to view
connections and the status of connections on the selected node. Select a connection with a status of
“O.K.” Click the Modify button at the bottom of this screen to bring up a modification window for the
selected connection. The new Modify Connection window displays information about the selected
connection, and presents editable parameters in the far right column of the screen.
You can expand or collapse the Modify Connection and All Parameters windows by clicking the right
and left arrows at the top of the screen in between these windows.
For an ATM-ATM connection with VBR Service Type, the editable connection parameters are as
• Ingress UPC Parameters
PCR0-1(cps): Peak Cell Rate- A value that defines a rate limitation for ATM traffic used in the
ingress policing algorithm. In general, traffic arriving at rates greater than the PCR are
CDVT0+1(usec): Cell Delay Variation Tolerance for the first leaky bucket, which applies to
cells with CLP(0+1). CDVT is the maximum time for accumulated violations of cell-arrival
time parameters.
SCR0+1(cps): Sustainable Cell Rate- The guaranteed sustainable rate for an ATM connection.
Associated with the policing function used on ingress for VBR and ABR connections.
MBS(cells): Maximum Burst Size in cells. This is the maximum number of cells that may burst
at the PCR but are still compliant. This is used to determine the Burst Tolerance (BT) which
controls the time scale over which the Sustained Cell Rate (SCR) is policed..
Data service module CVM,
Table 4-10 Card Types (continued)
Card Type Cards
Table 4-11 Card Types
Card Type Cards
AXSM in MGX 8850 Release 2