The Pattern Editor
3-88 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Code Conversion Process
The outline for the code conversion procedures is:
Use the data bits you specified with Target as the source data.
Define the code conversion rules in a code conversion table.
A new code conversion table must be created using the Edit... side menu
command. An existing conversion table must be used with the commands in
Open... side menu.
Any new code conversion table created can be saved.
When you push the OK side button, the pattern of code–converted source data
is created in a separate window.
To open the code conversion table:
1. Push Tools (bottom)!Code Convert... (pop–up)!OK (side).
2. In the Code Convert dialog box, use the general purpose or the a or ' button to
specify the data scope to convert.
The side menu has commands related to the code conversion tables.
Figure 3-18: Code Convert dialog box and side menu