Operating Basics
2-28 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Loading a Waveform File
to Edit
The default Edit screen displays a list of files in the current drive. To load a file and
open an editor window, use the general purpose knob or the front–panel arrow
buttons to highlight a file name. Then push the ENTER front–panel button. The
instrument loads the selected file and opens the editor appropriate for that file type.
You can also edit an existing file by selecting the file in the list, pushing the Edit
bottom button, then pushing the Edit side button. This process takes two more
steps than that described previously. If the file you want to edit is located in a
different directory of the hard disk drive, on a floppy disk, or on a network drive,
use the bottom menu Drive, Directory, and File buttons to change the current drive
and load a file from another location. Refer to File Management on page 2-17 for
information on locating and saving files.
Creating a New Waveform
To create a new waveform file, push the Edit bottom menu button. This displays
the Edit side menu items as shown in Figure 2-20. Table 2-9 provides an overview
of the Edit side menu button functions.
Figure 2-20: Edit top level menu screen with Edit side menu
a new