Appendix D: Sample Waveforms
D-8 AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual
Table D-12: Pulse width modulation
File name PWM.WFM Made with waveform editor
The waveform editor is used to create a ramp wave of 1000 periods
and a sine wave of 1 period, and these two waveforms are compared
to create the PWM.WFM waveform.
Waveform points: 32000, Clock frequency: 1.0 GHz, Output time: 32
Table D-13: Pseudo–random pulse
File name PRBS9.WFM Made with waveform editor
An M–series pseudo–random signal is created using the waveform
editor’s timing display shift register generator function.
Register length = 15
The encoding is NRZ.
Waveform points: 4088 ((2
-1) x 8), Clock frequency: 2.0 GHz,
Output time: 2.044 µs
Table D-14: Waveform for magnetic disk signal
File name DSK.WFM Made with disk application
Creates a disk signal pattern with NRZ–I modulation using the disk
application. This signal is created with default parameter settings.
Samples/Cell 20
Cell Period 20 ns
TA A + 1 . 0
TA A - - 1 . 0
PW50+ 50 %
PW50- 50%
NLTS+ 0%
NLTS- 0%
Asymmetry 0%
The encoding is NRZ–I.
A signal with the same pattern is set for the marker 1 as well.
Waveform points: 10220, Clock frequency: 1.0 GHz,
Output time: 10220 ns