AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 2-53
Tutorial 2: Loading and Outputting a Sample Waveform
This tutorial shows you how to load and output a waveform from the sample
waveform floppy disk provided with the AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary
Waveform Generator.
In this tutorial you will learn the following:
How to select a drive
How to select and load a file
How to view a loaded file
How to output the loaded waveform file
Display the SETUP Menu
Do the following to display the SETUP menu:
Push the SETUP front–panel button to display the SETUP menu screen.
The SETUP menu screen is the initial power–on screen shown in Figure 2-31 on
page 2-50.
Do the following to select a drive:
1. Insert the sample waveform floppy disk into the drive unit to the left of the
2. Push the Waveform/Sequence bottom button to display the
waveform/sequence side menu.
This side menu contains three items: Load..., View, and Edit....
3. Push the Load... side button to display the Select File list, shown in
Figure 2-33.
Make sure that the subside menu displays Drive..., Cancel and OK items.
NOTE. The ellipsis (...) means that this menu item will display a submenu (side or
pop–up) when selected.