The APPL Menu
AWG710&AWG710B Arbitrary Waveform Generator User Manual 3-141
2. Select a standard network signal by pressing either bottom button, selecting
subordinate standard item from the pop-up menu, and press the OK side
The side menu will change. See Figure 3-41.
3. Select a file or pre–defined pattern as a input data by pressing Read Ptn from
File... (side) or Pre–defined Pattern... (side).
Figure 3-41: Side menu will change after selecting a standard
When you select one of ITU-T E1, E2, E3, T1.102 DS1, DS1A, DS1C, DS2, DS3,
STS-1 as a standard, you can use user defined isolated pulse.
4. Press Isolated Pulse... side button. The side menu will change.