221Setup Relating to Operations From the Control Panel
Chapter 16 Engineering Setup
• Turn the knob to make the selection.
When Shotbox Recall is selected: Turn the knob to select the shotbox
register you want to assign.
Press [Action Set].
This assigns the selected action, which is reflected in the status area.
In the utility/shotbox control block, the assigned button lights orange.
If a shotbox register was assigned, the register name appears.
To cancel an assignment
After selecting the relevant button, press [Clear].
Assigning a menu shortcut to a memory recall button in the
utility/shotbox control block
Use the following procedure.
Referring to the procedure up to step 3 in the previous item, select [Menu
The memory recall buttons in the utility/shotbox control block flash
Using any of the following methods, display the menu to which you want
to make a shortcut.
• In the menu control block, press the relevant top menu selection button,
then select VF and HF.
• Press the menu page number button in the upper left corner of the menu
screen, then enter a menu number from the numeric keypad window.
• Press a particular control panel button twice in rapid succession.
In the utility/shotbox control block, select the bank, and press the button to
which you want to assign the shortcut.
The menu screen goes back to the Prefs/Utility>Utility Module Assign
menu, and the selection is reflected in the status area.
The buttons in the utility/shotbox control block stop flashing, and the
button to which the menu shortcut is assigned lights orange.
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
3 Command Utility command selection 1 ...
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
3 Shotbox Shotbox register selection 1 to 99