Chapter 16 Engineering Setup
Setup Relating to Operations From the Control Panel
When Target is M/E-1, M/E-2, or M/E-3: Cut, Auto Trans
Key1 Cut, Key2 Cut, Key3 Cut, Key4 Cut
Key1 Auto Trans, Key2 Auto Trans, Key3 Auto Trans, Key4 Auto Trans
Key1 SS ? Recall, Key2 SS ? Recall, Key3 SS ? Recall, Key4 SS ? Recall
When Target is P/P: Cut, Auto Trans
DSK1 Cut, DSK2 Cut, DSK3 Cut, DSK4 Cut
DSK1 Auto Trans, DSK2 Auto Trans, DSK3 Auto Trans, DSK4 Auto Trans
DSK1 SS ? Recall, DSK2 SS ? Recall, DSK3 SS ? Recall, DSK4 SS ? Recall
FTB Cut, FTB Auto Trans
When Target is Common/Setup: SS ? Recall, Effect ? Recall, Effect ? Recall & Run,
KF Run, KF Stop, KF Rewind, FM1 Frame Freeze, FM1 Field Freeze, FM1 Freeze
Off, FM2 Frame Freeze, FM2 Field Freeze, FM2 Freeze Off, No Action
• Action list when the trigger type is “Level”
When Target is M/E-1, M/E-2, M/E-3, or P/P: No Action
When Target is Common/Setup: Format (Overall system settings, frame/field rate,
number of lines)
Aspect (overall system settings), Simul, No Action
b) When knob 2 selection is “Key Snapshot”
c) When knob 2 selection is “Snapshot”
d) When knob 2 selection is “Effect”
Press [Action Set] to confirm the action selection.
The selected setting appears in the status area.
Carrying out level settings
To set the low level and high level, first set the trigger type to “Level,” then use
the following procedure.
In the Panel>Device Interface menu, select the action to be set, and press
[H/L Set].
The H/L Set menu appears.
Using any of the following methods, select the settings.
• Press directly on the list appearing in the status area.
• Press the arrow keys to scroll the reverse video cursor.
• Turn the knob to make the setting.
To apply the selection made in step 2 when the input is the GPI high level,
press [H Set]. To apply the selection made in step 2 when the input is low,
press [L Set].
This confirms the setting, which appears in the status area.
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 No Signal format/screen
aspect ratio selection
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