Chapter 17 Files
Importing and Exporting Files
Importing and Exporting Files
You can import or export frame memory image data from or to external media.
Import: to transfer a file in a different format from hard disk or memory card
to frame memory as image data.
Export: to change the file format of register data and save the data on hard disk
or memory card.
To carry out these operations, use the File>All,External File>Import/Export
For details of the formats supported for import and export, see “Files” in
Chapter 1 (Volume 1).
Displaying the Import/Export Menu
In the File menu, select VF6 ‘All, External File’ and HF2 ‘Import/Export.’
The list on the left shows the frame memory registers, and the list on the right
shows the content of the external recording media.
Importing Frame Memory Data
As an example, to import data in a bitmap format from a memory card to a
frame memory register, use the following procedure.
In the Import/Export menu, press the device selection area on the left to
select [Frame Memory (.BMP)].
Press the device selection area on the right to select [Memory Card].
It is not possible to select a directory.
Using any of the following methods, select the register into which the data
is to be imported and the file.
• Press directly on the list in the status area.
• Press the arrow keys to scroll the reverse video cursor.
• Turn the knobs to make the selection.
Knob Parameter Adjustment Setting values
1 List L Register selection 1 to ...