American Steel Design
Section 2
The following table contains the input parameters for specifying
values of design variables and selection of design options.
Table 2.6 - AISI Cold Formed Steel Design Parameters
When this parameter is set to 1.0 (default), the
adequacy of the member is determined by checking a
total of 13 equally spaced locations along the length
of the member. If the BEAM value is 0.0, the 13
location check is not conducted, and instead,
checking is done only at the locations specified by
the SECTION command (See STAAD manual for
details). If neither the BEAM parameter nor any
SECTION command is specified, STAAD will
terminate the run and ask the user to provide one of
those 2 commands. This rule is not enforced for
TRUSS members.
CMZ 1.0
End moment coefficient for bending about Z axis.
See AISI C5.2.2. Used for combined axial load and
bending design. Values range from 0.4 to 1.0.
CMY 0.0
End moment coefficient for bending about Y axis.
See AISI C5.2.2. Used for combined axial load and
bending design. Values range from 0.4 to 1.0.
Specifies whether the cold work of forming
strengthening effect should be included in resistance
computation. See AISI A7.2.
Values: 0 – effect should not be included
1 – effect should be included