American Concrete Design
Section 3
3.8 Designing elements, shear walls, slabs
STAAD currently provides facilities for designing 3 types of
entities associated with surface type of structures.
a. Individual plate elements – these are designed from the
standpoint that one element is independent of the next
element. See section 3.8.1 for details.
b. Shear Walls – Structural components modelled using the
SURFACE INCIDENCE command can be designed as
shear walls. See section 3.8.2 for details.
c. Slabs and RC Designer – STAAD has the facility for a
full-scale slab design. This is called the RC Designer, and
details are available in section 3.8.3.
3.8.1 Element Design
Element design will be performed only for the moments MX and
MY at the center of the element. Design will not be performed for
FX, FY, FXY, QX, QY or MXY. Also, design is not performed at
any other point on the surface of the element.
A typical example of element design output is shown in Table 3.4.
The reinforcement required to resist Mx moment is denoted as
longitudinal reinforcement and the reinforcement required to resist
My moment is denoted as transverse reinforcement (Figure 3.1).
The parameters FYMAIN, FC, and CLB (CLEAR) listed in Table
3.1 are relevant to slab design. Other parameters mentioned in
Table 3.1 are not applicable to slab design.