STAAD Commands and Input Instructions
Section 5
The format of the FILE spectra data allows spectra as a function of damping as
well as period. The format is:
Data set 1 MDAMPCV NPOINTCV (no of values = 2)
Data set 2 Damping Values in ascending order (no of values = Mdampcv)
Data set 3a Periods (no of values = Npointcv)
3b Spectra (no of values = Npointcv)
Repeat Data set 3 Mdampcv times (3a,3b , 3a,3b , 3a,3b , etc.) (i.e. for
each damping value).
Data sets 3a and 3b must have exactly Npointcv values each. Blanks or
commas separate the values. The data may extend to several lines.
Do not end lines with a hyphen (-). No comment lines (*) or semi-
colons. Multiple values may be entered per line.
MDAMPCV = Number of damping values for which there will be
separate Spectra vs. Period curves.
NPOINTCV = Number of points in each Spectra vs. Period curve. If
NPOINTCV is negative, then the period-spectra values are entered
as pairs.